CMI: A high-level seminar shared best practices for inclusion of women in peacemaking

The 8th High-Level Seminar on Gender and Inclusive Mediation processes promoted women’s effective participation and building inclusive, gender-sensitive mediation capacities. 

Crisis Management Initiative hosted the 8th High-Level Seminar on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Processes in Helsinki 10-12 October 2017. The two-day seminar provided a platform for 26 senior mediators from the UN, regional organizations, member states and international non-governmental organizations to discuss gender perspectives of conflicts and inclusion of women in mediation processes.

More on the seminar at

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Methodology of GAP presented at technical review in Dublin

Professor Vinnie Wade, CEO at ADAPT Research Centre for Digital Content Technology & Chair of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, (on left) introduced “the GAP methodology to identify and  rate  soft skills & competency in conflict prevention and peacebuilding competences” during Technical review organised by European Commission in Dublin, Ireland. The methodology supports training designers and educational game developers to capture key soft skill competencies (e.g. communication, decision making) and rate the quality of this behaviour for assessment and feedback in learning environments.

GAP consortium in Dublin

GAP Consortium (15 organisations around Europe) has gathered to wrap-up the conducted research work during the first year of the project.

GAP analysed communication, cooperation, decision-making, gender and cultural awareness and stress management in peacebuilding. The background statistics of the research show the amount of interviews and experiences in different countries were introduced by our partner Ulster University.

Sign in for IECEU & WOSCAP conference on conflict prevention and peacebuilding on 8th November in Brussels

IECEU (Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention) and WOSCAP (Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding) are organising their final conference together on 8 November 2017 in Brussels, with the purpose of bringing together all relevant stakeholders and end-users in the field of the European Union’s conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts.

The conference will specifically focus on:

  • Main aspects of conflict prevention
  • Integrated approach
  • Effectiveness of EU missions and operations
  • Potential for pooling and sharing in CSDP
  • Civil-military cooperation in CSDP
  • Inclusivity, local ownership and civil society perspectives in peacebuilding.

More info and the registration:

The conference programme:


Article in Contemporary Military Challenges, an interdisciplinary scientific and technical publication published by Slovenian Armed Forces

Article by Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Centre for European Perspective – CEP; Johanna Suhonen and Kari Sainio, Finnish Defence Forces International Centre: “Assessing the planning and implemention of EU mission and operation: Case Study of EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina” focuses on Planning capacity, assessed from the perspective of EUFOR Althea’s initial mandate, namely the operational planning and capacity-building and training of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and support to the BiH authorities in maintaining a safe and secure environment. Additionally, EUFOR Althea’s engagement in Security Sector Reform and defence reform is covered. Research on EUFOR Althea’s planning capacity strived to encompass strategic and operational planning and its implications for the management and implementation of the operation, the lessons learned and the operation’s situational awareness.

The article as a whole can be accessed here:

CMI Finland: High-level seminar marks Finland’s expertise in peacemaking and gender equality

The 8th High-Level Seminar on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Processes is taking place in Helsinki between 10-12 October. Hosting the High-Level Seminar in Helsinki amid Finland’s centenary celebrations marks Finland’s historical legacy and expertise in peace-making and gender equality.


More information at CMI Finland’s website at:

High-level seminar marks Finland’s expertise in peacemaking and gender equality

EU Comprehensive Crisis Management Course at FINCENT

The European Union Comprehensive Crisis Management Course organized at the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre opened in Helsinki on 10 September. The course is held in Santahamina Helsinki – organised within the frameworks of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management- and brings together civilian, military and police experts in the field of crisis management and international affairs.

Read more at:

GAP mid-term conference: Learning Soft Skills in Peacebuilding ‘Training Through Gaming’ hosted by Laurea

Laurea University of Applied Sciences hosted GAP-project’s mid-term conference in Espoo, Finland on 19th September. The theme, Learning Soft Skills in Peacekeeping “Training Through Gaming”, attracted around 100 participants interested in how gaming can improve the training of civilian, military and police to be deployed to crisis management missions.

During the conference experts from different partner organizations held sessions on various topics concerning soft skills in crisis management training.  On workshops facilitated by the Haunted Planet Studios, the participants gave input to different concepts of GAP’s digital roleplaying game. The Haunted Planet Studios continues to develop the game format based on the views of the workshop participants.





Gaming for Peace: An Overview (pdf)

Gaps in Gender Awareness and Cultural Competence in Peacekeeping Missions (pdf)

Soft Skills Training Needs in Peacekeeping Missions (pdf)

Benchmarking GAP Learning Outcomes, Producing a Skills Passport (online view)

GAP-project represented in IAPTC Conference in Cairo

Gaming for Peace Consortium is currently represented by Laurea University in IAPTC (International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres) Conference in Cairo, Eqypt. GAP representatives contribute by leading the discussions about improved online training targeted for the personnel to be deployed in complex peacebuilding environments.

More information about the conference: 23rd Annual Conference Of IAPTC, Cairo, Egypt – 2017 ( The 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC will be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 11-14 September 2017. The Conference is being organized by the Cairo International Centre for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) –Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs–in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense and the Egyptian Ministry of Interior.