Laurea University of Applied Sciences hosted GAP-project’s mid-term conference in Espoo, Finland on 19th September. The theme, Learning Soft Skills in Peacekeeping “Training Through Gaming”, attracted around 100 participants interested in how gaming can improve the training of civilian, military and police to be deployed to crisis management missions.
During the conference experts from different partner organizations held sessions on various topics concerning soft skills in crisis management training. On workshops facilitated by the Haunted Planet Studios, the participants gave input to different concepts of GAP’s digital roleplaying game. The Haunted Planet Studios continues to develop the game format based on the views of the workshop participants.
Gaming for Peace: An Overview (pdf)
Gaps in Gender Awareness and Cultural Competence in Peacekeeping Missions (pdf)
Soft Skills Training Needs in Peacekeeping Missions (pdf)
Benchmarking GAP Learning Outcomes, Producing a Skills Passport (online view)