“Mapping on scenarios” Workshop in Finland

The workshop on mapping scenarios in crisis management will be organised in Finland 6th June 2017. Gaming for Peace (GAP) (www.gap-project.eu) is developing a new curriculum in soft skills (communication, cooperation, gender awareness, cultural sensitivity) for personnel (police, military and civilian) deployed in peacekeeping missions. To ensure relevance for end-users, GAP is interviewing end-user partners to identify best practices from stakeholder and end-user perspectives and requirements. Researchers will collect the experiences of police personnel who have been deployed in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB) missions and/or crisis management and peace operations. These experiences will be used to develop the scenarios for an online role playing game and the game will be used for training personnel for deployment in current or future CPPB missions. The emphasis within the training will be in the soft skills of
‒       communication and
‒       cooperation,
‒       empathy and
‒       understanding of the position and
‒       priorities of personnel in other organizations and roles in the field, and
‒       in gender awareness and
‒       cultural competency



12:45 Registration

13:00 Opening remarks * Petteri Taitto, Laurea UAS & Representative of FINCENT

13:10 Introduction to GAP-project * Kirsi Hyttinen, Laurea UAS

13:15 Workshop * Mirjam Neelen, Learnovate Centre

15:15 Coffee

15:30 Workshop * Mirjam Neelen, Learnovate Centre

16:45 Closing Remarks * Petteri Taitto, Laurea UAS

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