GAP researchers interview peacekeepers in six countries

Interviews with peacekeepers from six European countries are near completion.  The GAP team have interviewed peacekeepers from Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Poland and Portugal. Through interviews with military, police and civilian peacekeepers, the GAP research team have collected stories and experiences of numerous missions including the Kosovo, Afganistan, Lebanon, Kashmir, and rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean Sea.

Interviews with peacekeepers have focused on their experiences whilst on peacekeeping missions including their experience of working with various different organisations and nationalities, pre-deployment training and how well this prepared them for the realities of life on the mission.  Through these interviews the GAP team will identify where training for peacekeepers should be focused.

As we move into the next phase of the project, peacekeepers experiences’ will be used to develop the GAP training game.  Using accounts of real experiences on peacekeeping missions, the game will provide a player experience based on what peacekeepers have seen, done and witnessed on missions.

officers at the PSP

Interviews with officers at the Portuguese State Police (PSP) by researchers from Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
From left to Right: John Clarke (TCD), Tiago Ventura Bras Sales (PSP), Sara Singleton (TCD)


At Burgas on the Bulgarian Coast of the Black Sea (pictured), TCD researchers visited the Bulgarian naval base to interview members of the Bulgarian navy about their deployment experiences.

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