The Ambassadors of Gaming for Peace -project attended to EAPCT (European Association of Peace Operation Training Centres) 2017 Meeting in collaboration with IECEU (H2020, Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities in EU conflict prevention) -project. This year Meeting was organised by Finnish Defence Forces International Center (FINCENT).
The EAPCT Meeting brought together almost a hundred of participants representing political level actors, training insitutions and academia of peacebuilding and crisis management. The Meeting addressed the contemporary challenges in multidimensional peace operations with they key focus on theory to practice. As a result, the ethicality, protection of civilians and comprehensive approach need to be further streghtened in peace operations and crisis management. Also GAP project proposes that personnel involved in conflict prevention and peace building (CPPB) should emphasise the soft skills such as communication, cooperation, negotiation, mediation, gender and cultural awareness which will raise the implementation of Comprehensive Approach in future.
The official publication of the meeting will combine all keynote speeches together with scentific conference research papers. Beyond the public version of publication, the organisers will publish the videos on the key selected themes in near future. Please read more in the meeting from this link (click please).